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Living at the edge of the new and the old the study of astrology is in turn something very new and very old at the same time. A practitioner who primarily deals with Astrology is called an Astrologist or an Astrologer.


Astrology is orientated towards the immaterial and the maintaining of vast areas of land.[1] Technomancers of yesteryear using precise and measured time to effect change. Their rituals are based on timed rituals and assets to try to create functional things.

Basic Astrologer techniques deal with distance and abstract aspects of reality like direction, important dates in various traditions, seasons, various celestial objects, and space. All in the name of calling needed effects and creations.[2]

Kinds of Astrologer[2][]

  • Wide varieties that can dip into other practices.

Associated Others[]

  • Star Fathers - Hazards where astrology rituals become to large and complex for the given practitioner.[3]
  • Navigators - pseudo-echoes tied to practice effects.

Notable Astrologers[]


  1. Astrology
    With some overlap with technomancers, astrologists are arguably the technomancers of yesteryear. Relying on careful placement of rituals and signs over large areas, they form great diagrams and tap them for power, and they set up rituals on strict clocks, time bombs set to go off in three full moons. Very capable of scaling up their work by adding to the time restraints or the spaces involved, they remain fragile if that work is disrupted. - Pact Dice: The Practices - Wbow Version
  2. 2.0 2.1 Pact Dice: Astrologers
  3. Star Father

    The Star Father is a governing force often referred to in the texts of practitioners who work in Astrology, or large scale, celestial diagrams.  When diagrams reach sufficient scale aond[sic] complexity, the spiritual forces that govern and manipulate them can consolidate into a figure, which may or may not be male and is often somewhat abstract.

    Star Fathers border the spiritual and divine, and manage the complex diagrams, drawing in power or attention, in a way that can give rituals a force of their own and make them stronger... or harder to remove or end when the proceedings are done.  In other cases, they ascend and move the ritual with them, sometimes pulling those who engage in major rituals into a pocket realm, stitching reality together as they pass.  In some cases, such as Aztec mass-sacrifices, they have received their own attention and been elevated as minor gods.  A Star Father that takes over is a common sign the practitioner has engaged in a ritual too 'big' for them. - Wildbow by Discord